Schafer & Sons Baby Grand in High Polished Ebony



Length – 5′ 1 ,  Width – 5′



This 5’1″ grand piano is the perfect size for a home and a great sounding instrument for beginner to intermediate player.    With it’s beautiful ebony polish finish, it will bring style and beauty plus wonderful music to a home.  At a very affordable price , a family would be able to relish the sounds of a grand piano without expending too much money.  A plus is the added player system that can transform this grand into a player piano to entertain guests or family.   Both the piano player and non player will be able to enjoy all that this grand can do!  Includes free local delivery, warranty and matching bench.


The Schafer & Sons company is a family organization dedicated to music and fine musical instruments. The business was established by Vern Schafer in 1955 in Colton, California. The company initially produced 100 pianos, manufactured by the Currier Piano Company. In the 1960’s Schafer and Sons joined a partnership with Kohler and Campbell Pianos. In the 1970’s they produced the Schafer and Sons “Classic” Console Piano. Many other well known piano manufacturers produced pianos from Schafer and Sons. These include the Aeolian, Schimmel, Story and Clark, Kimball, Wurlitzer, and other piano manufacturing companies. In 1974, Samick Pianos forged a partnership with Schafer and Sons. The two company’s joint venture lasted until 1989. From 1990 until 2005 Young Chang has manufactured Schafer and Sons pianos. Parts are manufactured overseas, which are gathered together and assembled in China. Today, Schafer and Sons are negotiating with several European manufacturers to produce a new line of Schafer and Sons pianos.

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